SOLVED: rotations/transforms from .abc?

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hello forum,
is there any way to extract transfroms and especially rotation channel out of an alembic file coming from other apps?
i can read out pos data from the details view in points mode (static geo), but no rotations.
i tried fetch, extract transform, and even tried a workaround by putting a helper object with an look-at (in my case easy because my “target” is in world origin) - but with a look-at all rotations are set to zero again.
any suggestions?

thanks in advance

EDIT: solved it.
1. unpack the alembicarchive
2. on obj level, add a geo of your choice.
3. add a chop. inside chops, add an object node, set it to “compute full transforms”. target to the unpacked abc-geo. plug that into an export node. activate. turn on orange “export” flag. in the path, set the channels you need (in my case tx ty tz rx ry rz). set node to your geo of your choice of step 2 (in my case a torus).
4. done. all the transform-channels are now transferred to the geo of your choice in global coords.

found with the help of google, forums, different posts, and a friend. all credits to those.
Fuat Yüksel
FX Supervisor | RISE Visual Effects Studios
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Many thanks for your quick & succinct description! Wouldn't surprise me if this turns into a shelf tool.
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you can get the transforms by simply referencing them, even if you don't see them on the alembic nodes
I've stumbled upon that just a few days ago…
Ps: You can also put a bull in the alembic hierarchy this works too ;-)
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you can get the transforms by simply referencing them, even if you don't see them on the alembic nodes
I've stumbled upon that just a few days ago…
Ps: You can also put a bull in the alembic hierarchy this works too ;-)

thanks for the tip. so does that mean that the transforms are inside the abc but one cant seem them in the params?

Ps: You can also put a bull in the alembic hierarchy this works too ;-)

hmm, can you explain what you mean by that? or am i mising something here?

thanks nevertheless
Fuat Yüksel
FX Supervisor | RISE Visual Effects Studios
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thanks for the tip. so does that mean that the transforms are inside the abc but one cant seem them in the params?
yes with
origin(obj1, obj2, constant_type)

Ps: You can also put a bull in the alembic hierarchy this works too ;-)
hmm, can you explain what you mean by that? or am i mising something here?
A null, not a bull damn mobile phones…
So if you put a null in the alembic hierarchy you can get his transform normally and use a fetch for example

Beside that are you sure a fetch sop doesn't work, here it's working ok, rotation transform and scale ..
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Beside that are you sure a fetch sop doesn't work, here it's working ok, rotation transform and scale ..

not for me at least, maybe i missed something. thanks for the infos though!
Fuat Yüksel
FX Supervisor | RISE Visual Effects Studios
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