Projecting curves onto mesh in uv space

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first of all I'm pretty new to houdini so please excuse any sillyness.

So what I'm trying to do is projecting 2d-curves onto a mesh.

I created a plane with uvs and I transfer those uvs onto my curve shapes. (edit: or I directly assign uvs to the curves, it doesnt matter)

Then I use a attribtransferbyuv node to again transfer the positions from my mesh onto the curves.

Does that sound about right? It seems it's missing a lot of points

I think it might be easiest to look at the result so I'm attaching the houdini file!

Thanks for any hints!


project.hipnc (73.1 KB)
Screen Shot 2015-08-30 at 14.40.27.png (255.8 KB)

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Joined: 12月 2006
Maybe I didn't understand your question at all:
“So what I'm trying to do is projecting 2d-curves onto a mesh.”

Is this not a task for the ray sop :-?

ray_sop.hip (95.1 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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