Subsurface Scattering - Possible to ignore intersecting geo?

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Hi all,
I'm playing around with subsurface scattering and I have some nice results. The only issue I have is that, in my scene, geometry intersects and pops in to existence inside other geometry (this cannot be avoided) which causes the SSS to suddenly look darker.
Is there a way to tell the shader to ignore additional instances of this surface that it finds inside objects?
I have made a crude diagram to illustrate my question, probably more clearly:

SSS_surfaces.png (17.8 KB)

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This may or may not be feasible depending on what you're doing but you could use a VDB from Polygons SOP to combine your spheres, that removes the intersecting areas. Convert back to polygons to render.

That got me thinking there may be a way to calculate the SSS on the combined spheres, cache that out and use it on originals but I'm too new to Mantra to say how you would go about that
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Thanks for the reply.
I did think of doing something similar with the VDB from polygons, but that does tend to smooth things out a bit, which I'd like to avoid.

I'm coming from Lightwave and in the nodal shading system there I would just tell it to clip the surface is the ray bounces are > 0. I'm sure that must be possible here, I just don't know how or where to set this.

Does an one know how to cull a surface in a shader based on ray bounces?
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