modify groups

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Hello everybody

I want to modify the content of a group.

I have a group with primitives (or points), and I want add or delete primitives based in my viewport selection, I don´t want make a new group, or add manually numbers of primitives.

I used “Reselect for Current Tool” (keyboard shortcut ' ) but, it adds a new group node with the new selection based on viewport, not modify the older one.

Thanks you
Edited by Gerardo Castellanos - 2016年6月29日 10:52:59
Gerardo Castellanos
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Don't fret over a new node being created. Middle Click and HOLD on the last node created to inspect the result. Read the information in the black poup box to see the result of your new operation.

If you want all your selections in a single group node copy the numbers generated in the second group node and paste them into the first group node either at the end or the beginning of the current pattern of numbers, preserving the original numbers and extending the selection.

Argh….I manually had to do that operation.
Edited by Enivob - 2016年6月29日 11:25:21
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In some nodes, as facet, color, blast, etc, you have an arrow icon next to group parameter.
you can click in that arrow and change your selection in viewport, press enter, and your list of primitives or points update automatically.
I guess why group node does not have it.
Gerardo Castellanos
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This has driven me nuts in the past, so I thought I bang it on the head meself. Try this out:
import toolutils;
node = hou.pwd();
entity = node.parm("entity");
typename = entity.menuLabels()[entity.eval()];
typeobj = getattr(hou.geometryType, typename);
initial = node.parm("pattern").eval();
selection = viewer.selectGeometry(
    "Select geometry...",
    initial_selection_type = typeobj,
string = selection.selectionStrings()[0];

copy that code, create a button on the parameter interface for the group node and call it what you fancy. Paste the copied code into the callback script and try it out. It should set the geometry type to whatever the group ‘Entity’ parm is set to. Pretty rough and ready but seems to do the trick.

Let me know if it's useful
Henry Dean
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Hmmm, this is definitely one of those where you look back and think “probably rushed that…”, so sorry for the crappy code.
This is for me certainly a case for an RFE, but in the meantime, I'll try and cook something more sensible up with action buttons… (what the group field in supported SOPs actually use. *insert head slap here*)

PS the soputils module is a new wonder for me!
Edited by friedasparagus - 2016年6月30日 11:20:51
Henry Dean
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import soputils;
kwargs['geometrytype'] = kwargs['node'].parmTuple('entity');
kwargs['inputindex'] = 0;
kwargs['parmtuple'] = kwargs['node'].parmTuple('pattern');
cough, cough… slightly tidier. Life gets so much more straightforward when you stop reinventing the bloomin wheel, possible improvement to this one is getting back the initial selection of the current ‘group pattern’
Edited by friedasparagus - 2016年6月30日 11:48:00
Henry Dean
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