Installation of Houdini 16 Apprentice produces no window for licensing

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Hello everyone!
I just tried to install the Houdini Apprentice 16 in an effort to get acquainted (after a very long time) to the program. My system runs on Linux Mint 8.1 (Ubuntu 16.04 based), KDE Plasma windows manager.

As I go through the installation process, the terminal stops at the following part:
Commencing installation of selected modules.
This may take a few minutes…

Installing: Houdini in /opt/hfs16.0.600…….

Installing: Houdini menus…
Installing apprentice license…
The Houdini 16.0.600 environment has been initialized.

And as I understand, it is the moment when it wants to start the License Administration (I already selected the local licensing during the installation process), but nothing happens.

Is there any additional dependency required?

When I tried to run the Apprentice or the License Administrator from the icons that are in my applications menu, nothing happened and I received no error message whatsoever.

I also tried the terminal command:
/opt/hfs16.0.600/bin/happrentice %F

No error there either, but nothing would start.

The License Administrator simply got no response:
/opt/hfs16.0.600/bin/hkey %F

Any recommendations?

Thank you in advance!
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The output from the installation process looks pretty normal. And usually if you have a missing dependency/requirement then Houdini and hkey will be pretty noisy about it.

Can you try running these commands from a terminal and let me know what happens?
cd /opt/hfs16.0.600
source ./houdini_setup
houdini -foreground

That should launch Houdini and keep it in the foreground so that you should see some sort of error in the terminal if it craps out.

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Hello Rob,

And thank you so much for your response!

I checked out your recommendation and as it showed, the terminal just paused right there, after the “houdini -foreground” command, without printing out any other message.

It is interesting, since I tried the installation on two different KDE Plasma desktops and on the other (being the current laptop), it worked perfectly. As it did on a Cinnamon/XFCE manager (on different systems).

For all intends and purposes, I deactivated all desktop effects, but I still get the same reaction. What it seems to go awry is the ability to pop up the GUI required for accepting.

I will give it a few more shots with tweaks here and there and see if anything works out.

Thank you again!
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Weird. Definitely sounds like an issue with the desktop manager. I have a laptop running Linux Mint 17.3 + Cinnamon and Houdini runs fine on that system. I'll see if I can install KDE Plasma and give that a try.

Out of curiosity, what's your desktop setup like? i.e. how many monitors? what are their resolutions?

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Thank you for your response Rob!
Actually, it had something to do with my Mint KDE desktop. I've re-arranged a lot since and got the system to run under CentOS (with an upgraded Kernel, since the 3.10 is excruciatingly slow) and a new RX480 8GB. In there, it appears everything works smoothly. Minus a bug CentOS pops every now and then (with the ethernet), which I'll fix up.

I have to say that I am impressed with the new tool-sets you guys put up, which makes me feel a lot more comfortable and at home with the applications I was using in my previous studio.

So I see me jumping back into the Indie version very soon, in order to test how it can perform (and I can perform) under -initially- a small production capacity.

Thank you so much again!
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