Varying Wire solver along L-System length?

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Hi everyone,

Well, I am still working on the shot where trees bend due to a rocket exhaust. I have tried FEM but I think it will not do what I want (too ‘chunky’).

I would like to try the Wire solver. What I want is the trunk of the tree to bend very slightly, the branches to bend a bit more and the twigs to bend a twitch a lot - bend angle proportional to branch thickness, basically.

How can I vary the wire deformer strength or bend angle along the length of the L-System branches? I suspect this is a VERY simple thing for a Houdini TD to do, but I am not sure how to approach it. Please help!

I enclose a simple setup where I have a L-system, converted into a Wire sim, with a hard pin constraint on the base of the trunk and I made a Wind force pushing on it.

Many thanks
Edited by dansidi - 2017年5月25日 08:46:19

l-system_wire_test_02.hip (160.7 KB)

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I can see that you can generate point attributes when the L-System is created, which gives a couple of useful sounding attributes: gen and width.

How would it be possible to feed these into the Wire solver?

Let's say I wanted to multiply Elasticity or Angular Damping by that width attribute. Can that be done? How can I do that?

Any help at all would be very gratefully recieved.

Edited by dansidi - 2017年5月26日 07:00:23

Capture3.PNG (83.4 KB)
Capture4.PNG (377.4 KB)

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your width attribute has multiplied with wire width parameter already []
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