My smoke sim renders with "mantra1" but not from mantra ROP

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I am having an issue with rendering. It may just be a new person issue, but it seems so infuriating I cannot figure it out.

I am working on a smoke sim tutorial right now.

When I hold-click on the movie reel on the far left of the screen, and the options load (like view:mantra, view:renderman, mantra1, mantra1 sequence.) I am able to render out a smoke sim and visibly see it. The object is lit with key/fill, has a camera pointed at it, the object is properly flagged, and everything else that should be right.

When I click the purple tab on the Mantra ROP it renders a black screen. I can clearly see Mantra processing the smoke's information in the flipbook viewport so I know my sim is being sent to Mantra.

Does anyone have an idea why this is not working?
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I attached the file. The hipnc will start to load out the cache for the smoke sim, just hit escape

mantrahelp.hipnc (889.3 KB)

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Hi, I've had a quick look at your scene. I think the main issue is that your camera (cam1) is inside the smoke. In particular, a very dense part of the smoke sim so the render appears almost black.

If you move the camera outside of the smoke, it should be more visible.

The reason why it may have rendered using a different option is maybe that option was set to render scene view (outside smoke) rather than camera view (inside smoke).

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