Pivot rotation in VEX (instead of using $CEX/Y/Z in a Transform node)

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Hello everyone,

I've been wreaking my head for a while now on how I'd go about rotating points in a for-loop using VEX.

I can get it to work using a transform and $CEX/Y/Z but using VEX I can only get it to rotate from the origin (I think).

I'd love to see if anyone out there could give me a hint on how to achieve this using VEX as I can't find an answer I can grasp using google.

Here's what I've got so far.

int iteration = detail(1, "iteration", 0);
float rotAmountY = rand((.456 + iteration) - .5) * 45;

matrix3 myMatrix = ident ( );
rotate ( myMatrix, radians ( rotAmountY ), { 0, 1, 0 } );
@P *= myMatrix;

f@pscale = fit(rand(0.34234 * iteration), 0, 1, 0.75, 1);

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here's my clunky way..no not VEX, but maybe you can adapt…please note in the random rotate, I've changed the Transform order to Scale Trans Rot…ie. Transform to Origin first, Rotate, then move back out to orig location…this would be the same logic in VEX, ie. transform to Origin first, do your business, move back out…

RandomRotate.hipnc (73.7 KB)

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Thanks vusta, that was pretty close to my initial solution but done in a completely different way, very interesting!
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