Fluid Sim Issue - Water hangs around for too long

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I am working on a Fluid sim where a bucket of water fills up then splashes. The issue is the fluid keeps pouring forever and seems to develop more particles well after the activation has stopped. To me, its like the fluid has spawned more emitters. I have tried several things to get this to settle down and wipe off more with no progress.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I have attached the video and HIP file. I am working in 16.0
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Edited by kohrtoons - 2018年2月13日 17:18:30

testSim01.mov (9.0 MB)
testSim_v08.hip.zip (191.7 KB)

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On your SourceVolume node, inside the AutoDopNetwork, animate the Activation from 1 to 0 when you want to quit filling the bucket.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Thanks for your response. The Activation and Scale Source Volume are both animating from 1 to 0 on frames 8 to 9. I animated it on the obj/AutoDopNetwork/source_surface_from_emitterTube1/ Is there another place that this should be changed in?
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I opened your scene, first of all, you should model in real world sizes, your bucket is 5 meters or so.
Your bucket collider is set to surface, it should be set to volume and set the method to volume sample to get the vdb volume into your sim properly.

Your touched everything on your solver, suggest to put down a new one.
Set the substeps to 2 or 3 on your dopnet, and don't touch the flip solvers substeps.

Turn off reseeding, or lower it, that gives you that huge amount of liquid.
daniel bukovec | senior fx td | weta digital
qLib -- http://qlab.github.io/qLib/ [qlab.github.io]
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Hey Buki,

Thanks for your response, the bucket is supposed to be about 5 meters, it's a splash park bucket. I'll try your other suggestions and report back.

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Ah ok probably never saw that one
daniel bukovec | senior fx td | weta digital
qLib -- http://qlab.github.io/qLib/ [qlab.github.io]
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