Language settings for foreign keyboards and font letters?

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I used to be able to create $ straight into the paramaters but since I beleive version 7 I cant. I can copy and paste it from notepad but not type it directly in Houdini. And I cannot type the swedish letter å ä ö in the FontSOP either and the same goes for other characters. So is there some environment variable I can set in Houdini so I can change to my keyboard-language input?

I use the \ (and ascii code for letter) to get different font characters, however they change from each font type so it would be better to type in my language letter and keeping it consistent.
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Actually true for any keyboard with accents or special characters. It does not seem to have any setting for it ( Env Var or else ).
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I have similar problems using a spanish keyboard.
I can't write for example squre brakets.
Houdini seems to only support us/gb keyboards, so I finally bought a gb layout keyboard and use Houdini with it.
Is a very annoying problem for everybody who aren't from us/gb/canada, etc …
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For a quick key of what the different ascii codes are for a font you can run this cops script.

opcf /img/img1
opadd font font1
opadd mosaic mosaic1
opparm font1 text ( ‘\\\\`$I-1`=\\`$I-1`’ ) textsize ( 50 ) overridesize ( on )
opparm font1 size ( 200 50 ) overriderange ( on ) start ( 1 ) length ( 256 )
opparm mosaic1 numperline ( 8 ) imagelimit ( 256 )
opwire font1 -0 mosaic1
opset -d on -r on mosaic1
opset -d off font1
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Is this still an open problem ?? I use Hou 12.0.581 x64 with win7x64 german keyboard layouut and I cannot produce any ,@ . All the “alt-gr” keys dont work in the whole application. Outside of Houdini everything works fine. Do you still have to buy an american keyboard to fully use houdini ?
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Is this still an open problem ?? I use Hou 12.0.581 x64 with win7x64 german keyboard layouut and I cannot produce any ,@ . All the “alt-gr” keys dont work in the whole application. Outside of Houdini everything works fine. Do you still have to buy an american keyboard to fully use houdini ?

I remember this being a problem for me (finnish keyboard) at around the H8/9 times. AltGr has been working for me for a couple of years now, xp64 and win7.
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I remember this being a problem for me (finnish keyboard) at around the H8/9 times. AltGr has been working for me for a couple of years now, xp64 and win7.
For me it worked too until I upgraded from windows vista x64 to windows 7 x64. Its an us installation with only the keyboard switched to german. Its just curious that just in houdini windows all alt-gr characters do not work. I just chose the brute force solution and ordered an US Keyboard on amazon … :roll:
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There are multiple setting beside keyboard language in Control Panel -> Region and Language, have you checked what the others (Format, Location, Locale (non-unicode)) are set to?
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I left all other settings to US because I often ran into problems with german locals .. especially with “.” and “,” for the decimal point. This is intended, but I will try some other configurations.
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On my Linux installation with Swedish locale, the AltGr key works with brackets and the $,#,@-signs but not the accents nor the Swedish characters. Tested in H11.1.264 and H12.0.595.
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Found a fix solution. Use the software Alfred [] for Mac.

With the Powerpack £15 add-on, you can add a Hotkey for ALT + 4 and add a Snippet with the $ sign as text.

Tried doing this with free version of BetterTouchTool [] which also can customize keys, but it didn't work.

Anyways, Alfred is an awesome app so. :-)

alfredsnippet2.jpg (45.8 KB)

Houdini Indie 18
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Is there any plan of ever fixing this issue? Any user outside of the US/UK/Canada who is using an English Windows is likely facing this issue. It's very limiting that simple characters like {} @, which are often used in code snippets, cannot be typed in directly.

Among thousands of programs, I have never stumbled upon another one with this issue.
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Is there any plan of ever fixing this issue? Any user outside of the US/UK/Canada who is using an English Windows is likely facing this issue. It's very limiting that simple characters like {} @, which are often used in code snippets, cannot be typed in directly.

Among thousands of programs, I have never stumbled upon another one with this issue.
Couldn't agree more! Would be really awesome if Sidefx could give us a solution
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