make "prefab" out of hda instances / make hda type parameters presets

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Hi guys !

Is there a way to make a unity prefab from an hda instance ?

I'm using Unity 2018.3.0f2 with HEngine 16.5.671. When I instantiate a Unity prefab that contains a child gameObject with a HEU component, Unity crashes.

What I want to do in the end is to save presets of parameters values for a specific hda type. I'd like to save float parameters values, and also curve coordinates and Unity object inputs.

To achieve this, I thought about Unity prefab in the first place. Maybe there is another way ?
The Unity preset feature could maybe fullfill this job. However I tested it and it broked : “no HEU_HoudiniAsset found” on the components on which I applied one I just created from another hda instance.

(a bit hard to reach the preset button btw, as it's hidden by the scrollBar. It's a tiny bit annoying as we could use the component's context menu to add some CONTEXT menuItem scripts)
Edited by Valentin BESSON - 2018年12月13日 18:01:38
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The plugin doesn't support creating prefabs of the HDA instances themselves. Its not meant to work that way, but rather it can act similar to a prefab by being able to bake out or bake update.

Anyway, what you want is the Save HDA Preset and Load HDA Preset buttons inside the Asset Options. These save the HDAs parameters and input paths to a file that can be loaded back into another HDA instance.

Note that those presets are different from Unity's new preset system. The plugin's preset system was implemented before Unity added support for presets to components.
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