Tree growing issue

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Hi guys
I'm trying to make a growing tree and, as always, I have some problems .
Using L-System growing is not smooth, there's a brake between growing generations (as you can see from video nº 1)and the texture seems be not following the mesh (it seems sliding on top of it actually). Is there a way to make a trunk that doesnt seem like a tube?
Using curve method, animated with carve sop i have the same mess with texture (as you can see from video nº 2)
I'm getting crazy
Can anyone help me please.
Thanks in advantage
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Edited by paniruro - 2019年1月31日 18:18:57

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Working with L-System is hard for these kind of project, specially for growth animation.

I would suggest you to build the final shape of your tree by L system (with curve), Then add growth animation later.

One of the straightforward solutions is using pointcloud to add growth animation on your curves.

Just resample lines with lots of points and make them black, then set the first point of the trunk line as a start point and make it red or white.
After that you need to transfer it's color to the next points by pcfind() or nearpoint() inside geometry Solver sop on each frame.

In this case the color should move from first point along the trunk line until it reachs to last points on the branche lines.

There is lots of tutorial about growthing effect by point cloud and geometry solver.

So you can simply use this color value as width of the polywire sop.

With this method you ahould have more control on animation and width(e.g using ramp attributes for width) .

About texture maybe you would have more control if you use sweep sop(and skin) instead of polywire. You can add u attribute based of lenght of the tree lins(backbone) and add v attribute based on cross-section line.


Point cloud method is simple and straightforward but maybe it is not the best way as you need to use geometry solver sop.
If you are familiar to vex you can do this completly inside vex without any need to use geometry solver and point cloud.
Edited by Sadjad Rabiee - 2019年2月1日 08:20:10 []
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Thanks for your help @Sadjad Rabiee
I tried with pcopen (as you can see from the pic Nº1) and also with an attribute transfer in a solver sop.
They do transfer value in right way but threshlod is too small (pic Nº 2)

Sadjad Rabiee
So you can simply use this color value as width of the polywire sop.

I need to smooth the values from 0 to 1 but remapping doesen't work.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong
Any suggestion?
Thanks again
Edited by paniruro - 2019年2月3日 02:45:06

nodes.JPG (86.4 KB)
growth.PNG (248.4 KB)

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Setting smooth value on the tip is not a big deal, you can simply use fit range vop (instead of clamp)to make it or even you can use ramp attribute after that to have more control on it. []
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