Can't get a skinned mesh through to Unity (with FBX)

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Hi all,

I can't get skinned meshes across to Unity from Houdini anymore.
I've repro'd it down to this -
This is what it looks like in Houdini -

And then in Unity 5.6.2

You can see the bones are moving, just not the skin.

I attached an FBX, if anyone has the time could you just drag that into Unity to see if the animation looks the same for you?
FBX Test []… and here's the scene file Scene File []

Any ideas?

Edited by peteski - 2017年8月27日 20:15:10
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Been running into this as well, were you able to find a solution?
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Hey @moferad, I have a workaround.

I export the skinned character as a single frame first. Then export just bones without the skinned mesh to be used as animation clips in Unity.

I hope that makes sense. It’s not ideal but not that bad once you get it set up.

The problem apparently comes from Houdini thinking the mesh has point animation on it. So it bakes the mesh out to a cache and removes the skin.
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gotcha! thanks man, ill try that out!

Gave it a try and it seems like im still not getting any playback in unity, keyframes are there but it doesnt move my mesh as if it wasnted skinned.

Im using the autorig setup post generating the rig, and just exporting the first frame non posed fbx, importing to unity, then im importing an idle animation but im not getting any animation preview when i apply my skinned mesh import to my “animation only” version

This might sound silly, but Im just using the visibility options on my auto rig hda to export only the bones , it seems to work with only exporting animation data but im not sure if that might be causing problems
Edited by moferad - 2019年6月29日 20:30:01
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I restarted from scratch and exported the Tpose single frame with only geo visible

I then exported my animation with only bones visible and imported into unity

Looks like it worked this time! I must have still been exporting the geo with controls or something

Default settings on the rig settings in unity worked!
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Hey nice one! Getting animation across there can be really tricky but once you’ve got it working it’s pretty cool.
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