Accessing PDG Wedges when instancing / copy_to_points

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Hi, I'm massively impressed with PDG so far, it's simplified tasks a lot and I'm keen to integrate it as much as I can in my workflows. I have a set up that I will describe below, and i'm wondering if there is a way to use more PDG instead of relying on traditional methods.

What I have done that I like..
My set up is simple:
- I use a mountain SOP on a sphere and use this to generate a basic flip sim.
- In a top network I use a a wedge node to give me 10 variations of the mountain
- I run these 10 variations through the flip sim and with a ROP Geometry Output node, cache PDG style the 10 sims.

So far so good, and It's really nice to be able to work on “one” set-up but it actually be for 10, all without eye-sore for-loops.

However, what I would like to do but don't know how is…
- Take these 10 variations of the sim and randomly instance, or copy them based on the wedges(I guess ‘@wedgeindex’).
- Offset and randomise the time of these wedges for more variation.

After asking around I have found that I can do this by overriding the packed primitive intrinsic of the copy, and referencing the PDG caches when constructing the filename of the packed prim.

“// modify packed primitive instrinsic
setprimintrinsic(0, ”unexpandedfilename“, @ptnum, newpath); ”

However, this feels quite verbose and esoteric when the rest of the PDG workflow is so streamlined.

Is there a way to do this in a cleaner, more PDG integrated way? e.g.. Just using the Top attributes.

Kind Regards,

Edited by timbolland - 2019年8月5日 09:23:22
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Joined: 9月 2012
Hi Tim,

Sorry for the late reply. It's a little hard to follow based on just your description above. Could you kindly submit a file to us? We'll analyze it and get back to you.
- Ken Xu
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