Can't assign some parameter to volumeresize SOP Verb in python

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>>> volumeResizeVerb
<hou.SopVerb volumeresize>
>>> volumeResizeVerb.parms()["tilecount"]
<hou.Vector3 [5.84866e-315, 1.21908e-315, 2.06823e-314]>
>>> volumeResizeVerb.setParms({"tilecount":hou.Vector3(2,2,2)})
>>> volumeResizeVerb.parms()["tilecount"]
<hou.Vector3 [5.84866e-315, 1.21908e-315, 2.06823e-314]>
>>> volumeResizeVerb.parms()["voxelpad"]
<hou.Vector3 [6, 6, 6]>
>>> volumeResizeVerb.setParms({"voxelpad":hou.Vector3(12,12,12)})
>>> volumeResizeVerb.parms()["voxelpad"]
<hou.Vector3 [12, 12, 12]>

This is the result from Houdini Python shell, as you can see, the tilecount parameter is not assigned properly, while the voxelpad is assigned properly. is it a bug?
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Not in Front of houdini, but maybe two ideas :

- are you working on a volume or on a vdb?
- did you try setting the same tilecount on a SOP rather than calling the Verb from Python? With the exact same values. Does that work ?
Fuat Yüksel
FX Supervisor | RISE Visual Effects Studios
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Not in Front of houdini, but maybe two ideas :

- are you working on a volume or on a vdb?
- did you try setting the same tilecount on a SOP rather than calling the Verb from Python? With the exact same values. Does that work ?
Hi, fuat:
Thanks for your reply, I'm working on a volume(actually a HeightField), It works well from SOP node, but no luck with Python verb I've attached a simple test file if you want to have a look.
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volumeresizeverb.hip (68.4 KB)

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Hi EricSheng,
Cant Check your file (in vacation) right now, but you can try sending it to Sidefx Support, they usually are very helpful.
Good luck
Fuat Yüksel
FX Supervisor | RISE Visual Effects Studios
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Updated to 17.5.364 still with no luck, anyone has try this?
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