Hkey on Suse Linux

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Hi All!
I am not sure what the real problem, but when i start up my Linux i try to run Houdini, it starts checking for license server, end up not being able to connect to server, but hserver is running, it tells me everything is failed and all red check boxes.
I have installed correctly in default location /opt/houdinig etc.
So in order to start Houdini back again, i have to remove whole license directory and start installing license back again, then it works!
i remove constantly license from /usr/lib/sesi.
I don't understand why this happens, and what should i do to avoid this problem over again!
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Joined: 7月 2005
run a SUSE search on these forums. There's a lot of info on the subject. Most probably your sesinetd is not starting up on boot. You don't need to reinstall the license each time. I had the same problem. I tried all kinds of tips mentioned elsewhere in these forms but what ultimately worked was this

Login as root, go to yast->System->System Services (Runlevel) and find sesinetd.startup there and enable it in runlevel 2.

Hope this helps

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Joined: 3月 2006
Ohh thanks i have forgoten about that!
I haven't used Linux for four years, now i am back
Yeah that's what i was looking for on how to start sesinit.d
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