Scheduled nodes cooking in farm or local

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Is there a way to identify which nodes (their work items) in a TOP network are going to be scheduled when I submit to farm? In the test .hip file that comes with houdini under “$HFS/houdini/pdg/examples/top_sop/top_sop.hip” (can't upload documents due to security), when I submit this using barebones custom scheduler it only sends the “create spaceships” node's (HDA Processor node) work items to farm.

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Many nodes in PDG / TOPs such as Attribute Create will cook instantly without needing to be scheduled at all. Workitems that need to be scheduled will by default use whatever scheduler you specified as the default on the top network. You can achieve per processor scheduler settings by pointing a specific processor at a different scheduler. So if you want to make sure a particular processor is using the local scheduler, while the rest is using your custom farm scheduler, then specify your farm scheduler as the default, and override the specific processors that need to be on the local machine with the local scheduler.

pdg_forum_scheduler_override1.png (32.2 KB)
pdg_forum_scheduler_override2.png (25.5 KB)

- Ken Xu
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Ultimately, I'm trying to set the PDG scheduler to create one job per TOP network instead of one job per work item. And due to the nature of our farm scheduler and PDG, it seems that I need to create the job description (what and how many tasks should be in the job) at onStartCook level. I was hoping to go by the node graph within TOPs. Does this mean that I need check and/or set for this parameter for every node throughout the network?

Is there an easier way to create jobs (again not per work item) for these work items in respect to their dependencies?

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If what you want is to cook the entire node graph as one job you can do this with the ‘Submit Graph as Job’ feature of the farm schedulers.

For example you could have a TOP network with a localscheduler as the default scheduler, and then drop in an HQueue scheduler node. If you configure that node properly and press the “Submit Graph as Job” button, it will be scheduled as one job that executes all workitems on the one client blade.
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