What is the difference between these two punctuations

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Whats the different between these two?
curly braces.

Ive just started following the CGwiki guide to houdini and was learning the sop solver.I came across this snippet of code .

–Faked Physics–

@v = {2,2,0};
v@gravity = {0,-0.1,0};

but i accidentally used () and got a result the sphere translate -y.I checked the help file to see what the User-defined functions provide but i saw none for the curly braces.
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Joined: 2月 2018
In VEX, there are two ways to explicitly assign values to a vector variable:
  1. If the values include variables, write
    @v = set(x,y,z);
  2. If the values are constants, write
    @v = {2,2,0};

So, {2,2,0} gives you a vector.
@v = {2,2,0};
is the same as
@v = set(2,2,0);

(2,2,0) on itself is not meaningful. I believe it returns the last value in the bracket.

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