Visualizer doesn't display attr as expected or Remesh broken

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I have a simple example file attached.

there is an int attribute called patch
and it has a value of either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in columns along the patch.

The remesh will transfer the values as expected on the borders of the mesh, but the interior will entirely be zero.
both in the geometry spreadsheet and the visualizer. This is not expected

I have noticed similar results with float values. interpolating completely wrong values far away from their original point in space values.

Here is a float attr called remesh_bug before remesh

and after:

BUT here is the truly odd thing, the correct expected value is in the geometry spreadsheet for the float value remesh_bug but not the integer value casted by the int function.

I am either missing something fundamental or some function I don't know to cast this float to a proper integer.
Please help
Edited by geordiemartinez - 2020年10月4日 02:57:53

int_attr_before_remesh.jpg (536.6 KB)
int_attr_after_remesh.jpg (876.9 KB)
float_attr_before_remesh.jpg (463.3 KB)
float_attr_after_remesh_A.jpg (1.5 MB)
remesh_pt_attr_xfer_bug.hiplc (264.8 KB)
float_to_int_wtf.jpg (120.7 KB)

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I just found there is a rint function that returns the proper integer value.

I guess the geom spreadsheet is rounding some 1.9#### values to 2 for space. and when int() is used it just chops off the tail float and keeps the first digit where rint() rounds first then returns the int.

This still doesn't explain remesh node is transferring interior integers as zeros.
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Keeping the attribute a float value and using the
 @island = rint(@island)
in a point wrangle right after remesh wdorked to achieve the desired results.

I'm glad I could have this conversation with myself.
Edited by geordiemartinez - 2020年10月4日 18:42:58

rint_float_post_remesh.jpg (1.1 MB)

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