Cook list of Wedges.

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Joined: 1月 2020
Hey there, bit of a noob still in PDG so sorry if this question has already been asked. I had searched and couldn't find a way to do it.

In TOPS, is there a way to take something like a .csv or .txt list, and then use that list/array, to determine which wedges need to be cooked?

My use case:
Its basically a Terrain Generator. I take greybox representation of my terrain, heightfield project that, then erode and process. After that I output geo fbx to Unity and hook it up to a cheap terrain shader. My studio wanted to steer away from the Unity Terrain, but still have terrain in Unity .

Potential Solutions:
Do something that utilizes partitioners somehow?
Deal with the dirtied items more at the SOP level, which would access the same .csv

I can totally provide more context, but I think the issues is broad enough, that this is a concept which could be applied to other pipelines.
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Joined: 11月 2010
Maybe you can use TOP Split or Filter by expression nodes?
Another way (which I would prefer) is to try using the same wedge with different parameters based on input data.
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Joined: 1月 2020
This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much!
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