Scene Import LOP imports HeightField Erode material

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I'm using the "Scene Import (All)" LOP to import my geometry into the Solaris context. It imports the geometry correctly, as I would expect, but I'm seeing a weird material imported alongside all of the geometry.

You can see the scene graph tree here:

In the "ground" geometry node, I use a heightfield + noise + erode combination to create a generic landscape, but I use a heightfield convert node along with a polyreduce to produce a mesh for use in the render. The resultant mesh has both the display flag and the render flag, and the erode node has neither. So...

1. Why does the scene import node import anything related to the erode node? It's only useful to produce the mesh I want to render, and I don't want anything but the resultant mesh getting imported from the "ground" geometry node.
2. Why does the erode node have a material in the first place? None of the SOP properties seem related to materials or rendering. I disabled the visualization, but it didn't make a difference. Double-clicking the node doesn't display the HDA nodes as I've come to expect; I assume this is an aspect of Houdini I haven't seen before.

I'll attach a minimal reproduction once I can get Houdini to produce a smaller hiplc file. The forums won't let me upload it as it is.

scene-graph-tree.png (62.0 KB)

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Attaching the minimal reproduction. I had to recreate all of the nodes from scratch to keep the hiplc file size low, for some reason. copy+pasting produced a file that was as large as the original (40 MB) for some reason.

scene-import-erode-demo.hiplc (502.5 KB)

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