hbatch: Can't open dophints.cmd. No module named viewerstate

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UPDATE: I tried redeeming my second Indie (with GUI) license (even though docs say that Indie Engine is sufficient for commandline renders https://www.sidefx.com/faq/question/indie-renderfarm-setup/ [www.sidefx.com] )
And then I managed to VNC in and run Houdini Gui. I still get the same errors, this time with loads of other errors beforehand. See end of the post.

I'm trying to setup a remote render node via command line, and I'm getting some errors.

I don't have physical access to the remote PC. It does have graphics card and a monitor, but I can't screen share (it's problematic, I'm not sure why, my internet is too slow perhaps), though I can ssh into it.

(Remote PC is Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS, 5.4.0-73-generic, Geforce 2080 Ti, NVidia 465.19.01, CUDA 11.3)

I've installed houdini-py3-18.5.532-linux_x86_64_gcc6.3.tar.gzremotely via command line, and successfully redeemed licenses for
- 1 "Houdini Engine Indie 18.5"
- 1 "Renderer (Indie/Apprentice) 18.5"
- 1 "Karma Renderer (Indie/Apprentice) 18.5"

I source houdini_setupfrom /opt/hfs18.5(it's at the end of my .bashrc)

Then when I run hbatchor hythonI get lots of errors starting with:
Can't open dophints.cmd
Error running event handler:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "kinefx::Sop/adapttoterrain, opdef:/kinefx::Sop/adapttoterrain?ViewerStateInstall", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'viewerstate'

Interestingly, if I run hython, I get all of the same errors, but at the end there is: /usr/bin/python3: No module named houdiniInterpreter
Should this be using my system python or /opt/hfs18.5/python/bin?
which -a python3also returns /usr/bin/python3Is this normal? And could this be the reason?

I also tried rendering a very simple test hip, and again I get all of the same errors, and at the end there is:
hbatch Version 18.5.532 (Compiled on Mar 30 2021)
WARNING: Entered limited commercial session mode.
Error loading: test_remote_render.hiplc
OP: unknown error: 50
OP: unknown error: 50
OP: unknown error: 50
OP: unknown error: 50
OP: unknown error: 47
OP: unknown error: 48
/ -> cd out
/out -> render mantra1
Can't open dophints.cmd
ROP: unknown error: 20
Render failed.
/out ->

What can I do?

More details in the attachments (including my environment).

UPDATE: I tried redeeming my second Indie (with GUI) license (even though docs say that Indie Engine is sufficient for commandline renders https://www.sidefx.com/faq/question/indie-renderfarm-setup/ [www.sidefx.com] )
And then I managed to VNC in and run Houdini Gui. I get the same errors, this time with loads of other errors beforehand.

Could not find scene mouse modifier file: SceneMouseModifiers
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.floor.mirror
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.rotate.inc_snap
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.common.scale_delta
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.orientknob.lock_axis
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.plane.fullspec.pick_normal
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.plane.quickspec.align_only
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.plane.quickspec.move_only
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.plane.quickspec.point_at
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.plane.quickspec.sec_point_at
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.plane.quickspec.sel_point_at
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.floor.xy
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.floor.h
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.common.extend
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.bbox.mirror
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.bbox.uniform
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.crosshair.scope
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.crop.mirror
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.crop.restrict
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.domain.mirror
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.domain.copy
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.hose.group
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.hose.uniform
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.ikpivot.lock_click
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.isosegment.extend
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.pill.mirror
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.translate.inc_snap
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.slider.mode
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.motionpath.insert
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.motionpath.delete
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.motionpath.move_key
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.scale.inc_snap
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.mousewheelbump.slow
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.mousewheelbump.fast
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.handle.mousewheelradius.slow
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.brush.brush_radius
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.brush.brush_radius_wheel_slow
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.brush.stencil_clear
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.capturelayerpaint.select
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.edit.brush_radius
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.edit.brush_radius_wheel_slow
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.join.flip_click
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.stroke.cursor_radius
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.stroke.cursor_radius_wheel_slow
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.selector.uvpelt.hint_click
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.bone_create.split
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.bone_create.parent
Unrecognized modifier key token: scene.state.capture_weights.bone_toggle
Can't open dophints.cmd
Edited by memo - 2021年5月26日 09:59:21

env.txt (3.4 KB)
hbatch.txt (4.9 KB)
hython.txt (4.9 KB)
hscript.txt (5.3 KB)

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I'm still struggling with this. Freshly installed Houdini many times and same problem.

I've discovered that I can run the script via root. i.e.

this doesn't work:

 cd /opt/hfs18.5
 source houdini_setup => The Houdini 18.5.532 environment has been initialized.
 hscript => gives all of the errors above

does work:

sudo /opt/hfs18.5/bin/hscript


 sudo su
 cd /opt/hfs18.5
 source houdini_setup => The Houdini 18.5.532 environment has been initialized.
 hscript => works

Is this normal behaviour? Can I not run houdini without root privileges? If I source houdini_setup in my .profile, then none of that env gets carried on over to my sudo, so I'd need to source it as root.
Edited by memo - 2021年6月5日 11:29:03
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If anybody comes across this post with the same error, I've discovered it's because I had separately defined a
environment variable pointing to
(for my own convenience). So even though I was running
source houdini_setup
AFTER defining
, it was still breaking something. (And the reason why it worked as root, is not because of permission issues, but because HOUDINI_PATH was not defined for root).
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LEGEND! Saved me so much time!
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I'm encountering a similar error while trying to use HQueue to render my scene on 2 machines:

I't works fine with Mantra, but if the scene has some 3rd party renderer nodes (Octane in my case) HQueue starts complaining. Even after defining.

I had to define an Environment variable in the HQueue Renderer node to point it to the HOUDINI_PATH, that way it recognize the nodes (saw it from here: https://tokeru.com/cgwiki/TopsTractorDiary [tokeru.com] DAY 3 insert); but still if I submit the job I get this error:

The Houdini 19.5.569 environment has been initialized. Can't open dophints.cmd Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/hfs19.5.569/houdini/scripts/hqueue/hq_make_ifds.py", line 1, in &lt;module&gt; import hqlib File "/opt/hfs19.5.569/houdini/scripts/hqueue/hqlib.py", line 20, in <module> import hqrop ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'hqrop'
Any chance someone could help me with that?
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