Landscape Target Layers not importing with Terrain HDA

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Hello, I am having an issue with using an HDA to bringing terrain from Houdini into Unreal.
When using an HDA to bring in terrain, the layer/masks generated in Houdini are not present in the paint target layers in unreal landscape mode.
I have made sure that the layers are not flat and have mask information in Houdini, but have not be successful in transferring this data over.

I've also brought in the demo HDA's from PROCEDURAL DESERT and POST APOCALYPTIC RUINS FOR UE4 and am experiencing the same issue.

The tutorials I am following (PROCEDURAL DESERT and POST APOCALYPTIC RUINS FOR UE4) where made in UE4, and I am not sure and am unable to find any information about the process updating with UE5.

I am unsure if this is an issue with my Houdini setup, or if the location of layers have moved to a new spot, or if I have missed a setup step in Unreal. I've included my HDA and can provide more information if needed. Thank you very much for your time/expertise.

Houdini 19.5.569, Unreal 5.1.1

hou1.png (668.5 KB)
unreal1.png (815.1 KB)
unreal2.png (824.4 KB)
unreal3.png (830.3 KB)
object_Ruins.1.0.hdalc (78.1 KB)

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I'm experiencing the same issue. I found this [] as a work around but I'd much rather have them exported with the HDA.

Did you end up finding a solution?
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Didn't see this work-around method, thank you.

And I'm sorry, but I haven't found/been working on a solution for unreal. I ended up rebuilding the system to work in godot.
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