Shared Texture Library Between USD Assets

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Hey all,
I am converting speedtree alembic exports to usd components via the component builder. I have 6 or 7 different geos, but the texture s being used are identical. Is there a way for me to force the component builder to export the textures to a single shared file path, even if the component itself is a different geo?

My work around right now is to just turn off the localize external non_USD files. Then it just reads the textures from their original speed tree folder. This is okay because I am not trying to share the usd files as of now. I would like to have a portable alternative though.... Otherwise my usd files are just pointers to things living on my disk. I surmise I have to do this with variants, but I don't know how to do so....... thanks in advance!


speedtree_processing_juniper_help_v001.hiplc (2.2 MB)

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49 posts
Joined: 1月 2016
I answered my own question very quickly. I just needed to add a component geometry variants node above the component material. Each variant could then be assigned the same material library. So amazing!

Variants.png (835.4 KB)

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