polygon extrude

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Hello guys,

just a quick question that I was hoping someone may be able to help me out with.

I have a number of polygons some of which are in a group. I am then extruding all the polygons. I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way to have the new polygons created from the extrude inherit the groups that they were extruded from.

Thanks for any help.
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This isn't a definitive answer, but you could try adding an attribute based on the groups, do the extrude and then recreate the groups using the attribute. That might work, just off the top of my head not tried or tested.
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Thanks a lot Simon. Should maybe have thought of this myself.

Thanks again!
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The simple trick I do a lot is to assign colour to each group, so you have the visual feedback what is what. Anyway that's the same thing what Simon said.
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