particle age problem

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Hi everybody,

quick version:
i need particles to NOT AGE until they have become a member of my “effected by forces group”…

i'm essentially disintegrating a 3d city model. i've emitted many particles onto the surface with the model's color applied. I then reset the age of the particles to 0 and assigned them a random life. I then set this as my initial state of the popnet. I want the particles to be hidden and not to be effected by forces until they become part of my “emit group”, which is driven by a deforming torus that grows eventually to cover the city model. That seemed simple, i just made it so that the forces were only applied to that group. but my problem arrises with the age, lifespan and the alpha of the particles. I need them to only start AGING once they have become part of the “emit group”… I thought it would be as easy as putting an AGE node after the “emit group”, and setting it's source group to the “emit group”… with the $AGE variable set to $T but this obviously is wrong, because the $T variable will be a larger number as the frames progress. And therefore i'm kind of stuck. Any suggestions?
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I'd use your emit group to split a new group of particles. If you do this, your particles should maintain the same look as your old particles, but it will reset their life to 0.
Stephen Tucker
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