can't open file anymore

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well while working on my L-System - I received no errors and now I try to open my file Houdini crashes. the versions 12-14 also don't work.

this is the error message I get:

4052: Fatal error: Segmentation Fault

I'm working with Houdini 10.0.264.

I attached the file, can someone please check it … I don't want to do all the stuff again.

thanks a lot.

Edited by - 2013年12月10日 17:21:56
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Your sonnenblume sop is set to a generation of 630, which generally leads to segmentation fault if your lsystem takes a great deal of calculation or memory. Upon further testing, I've found that this is indeed your problem - your generations result in instant failure.

What I would recommend is loading it set to manual cook or so it wont cook when you open it. You can use the Houdini Command Line tools to navigate to your file, then use houdini -n filename.hip to load your file - this will set it to load without cooking and then you can lower the generations.
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