renderman procedural fur

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anyone know how i can install the ifur in houdini? []
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Victor provides the source code which you have to compile and install yourself.

SOP_iFur.cpp has to be compiled against Houdini's HDK (Houdini Developers Kit). Linux and Mac have the available compilers. On windows you have to get the correct version of the MS compilers (see HDK docs) and install them. Please search the forums on how to set up the dev environment suitable for Houdini on Windows.
Once you compile the SOP, you can install the .dso / .dll in to your $HOME/houdini/dso directory and Houdini will automatically pick it up.

The GEO_iFurr.cpp has a dependency in to either PRMan or 3Delight's development environment so please refer to documentation from these applications to compile the GEO procedural. Once you have this compiled, you can build a SHOP that writes out the correct procedural in to the .rib stream.

Yep these tools require that you know how to compile, install, and build the operators for Houdini to use.

I wonder if Victor has any cycles to compile these tools for you. The SOP will have a specific build dependency so may have to be re-compiled for future builds of Houdini and 3Delight…

As an aside, 3Delight currently allows you to download and install a personal copy of their renderer for testing and development. What an amazing way to get in to working with rib and a Reyes based renderer! Mantra also has a Reyes based engine but uses it's own shader language and interface (ifd) very different from rib.
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thank you jeff
i have compiled the two code and i obtain 2 dll,
1- SOP_iFur.dll
i work in windows environnement.
my problem now how can i install SOP_iFur.dll into houdini?
i tried to put this one in $HOME/houdini/dso directory but houdini can t load the dll.
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thank you jeff
i have compiled the two code and i obtain 2 dll,
1- SOP_iFur.dll
i work in windows environnement.
my problem now how can i install SOP_iFur.dll into houdini?
i tried to put this one in $HOME/houdini/dso directory but houdini can t load the dll.

How did you compile both of these?

As Jeff has already noted, SOP_iFur is a Houdini SOP DSO, so you would use hcustom to compile + install it. I suppose you need VS 2005's compiler for this to work.

GEO_iFur is a RenderMan Procedural DSO. You need to follow instructions from either PRMan or 3Delight's documentation for compilation on windows. For example, this is what you'd do for prman.

cl -nologo -MT -I%RMANTREE%\include -c GEO_iFur.cpp
link -nologo -DLL -out:GEO_iFur.dll GEO_iFur.obj %RMANTREE%\lib\prman.lib

Keep in mind if Victor developed the SOP_iFur with Houdini 10.0 in mind that it will most likely fail in Houdini 11 without adjustments.
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ok :wink:
to compile SOP_iFur i use vs2008 express and hcustom.
for GEO_iFurr i use vs2008 express and 3delight
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I think it will only work with VS 2005. []
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Joined: 2月 2007
hi everybody
aqsis render contain one sophisticated procedural hair named hairgen
this procedural contain the same logic to mantra procedural fur
it take the mesh (skin) and guides (curves) an generate hair in the fly.
also aqsis its free render
anyone can help me to use this one in houdini?
aqsis site []
after install see Program Files\Aqsis\bin\hairgen.dll
hairgen information []
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