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Houdini Engine for Unreal » Baking a bunch of separate StaticMeshes
- SaOk
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Houdini Engine for Unreal » UV issues after import to UE5.1 with Houdini engine
- SaOk
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What could cause this UV issue? After importing model to UE5.1 by using Houdini Engine. Getting UV distort around messy polygons like this window. Both proxy and baked result have this bug. Made sure there is only uv attribute for vertex.
EDIT: Looks like enabling NANITE solves it, but leaving this post for non-natite.
Edited by SaOk - 2023年2月18日 14:37:07
Houdini Engine for Unreal » UPROPERTY Help
- SaOk
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Seems like bReceiveDecals (tried without b too) is also not supported, found it in UPrimitiveComponent? Or have someone found a way to set that off? Placing decals on walls with PDG HDA, but would set the decal not to show over windows, doors and some other pieces.
Edit: That Eetu's trick can be handy to use with UE4 editor widget to set rest of the needed values. Own roll-decimal for each settings. 0.100101011
Edit2: Nevermind, ReceiveDecals started working as uproperty.
Edit: That Eetu's trick can be handy to use with UE4 editor widget to set rest of the needed values. Own roll-decimal for each settings. 0.100101011
Edit2: Nevermind, ReceiveDecals started working as uproperty.
Edited by SaOk - 2021年2月6日 19:44:05
Houdini Engine for Unreal » PDG cooking is expecting files to be under UE install?
- SaOk
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Getting this " as an expected output file, but it wasn't found when the item cooked"-error with some HDA processors used in PDG HDA when used in UE4.26.1 (v2 Houdini engine). Same PDG working normally in Houdini Editor. Having all paths set as full paths. Can Python node's in HDAs behave differently in UE4? Do the HDA need to be in 18.5 otl-folder. Using some older HDA from 17.5 (still updated). Generating point-cloud with unreal_instances for whole building, much foreach feedback loops. Probably will divide the HDA to smaller pieces if nothing else helps, wrote it too messy. Or will just generate the results this time in UE4 side and randomly bringing premade point clouds into UE4.
But any tips are welcome.
But any tips are welcome.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Keep World Transform not working?
- SaOk
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Hey, is that keep world transform stored as attribute? Cant get that setting have effect when using with PDG. Only working when using only basic HDA without PDG in UE4.
Having TOP network in HDA. The HDA have a SOP input that is connected to null which is read from geometryinput inside TOPs (sop path). Would be interested know the name of that possible world transform attribute to add the offset to curves that are currently not following HoudiniAssetActor location but snapping to 0,0,0.
Having UE4 instances placed following curves, multiple curves each with own workitem. As strange thing, all items still recook when moving any of the curves. Should each curve point be own workitem or how to prevent that. Would be cool to have HoudiniUE4 tutorial for PDG curves updating only data related to the edited curve. Like in that video showing the feature in unity.
Having TOP network in HDA. The HDA have a SOP input that is connected to null which is read from geometryinput inside TOPs (sop path). Would be interested know the name of that possible world transform attribute to add the offset to curves that are currently not following HoudiniAssetActor location but snapping to 0,0,0.
Having UE4 instances placed following curves, multiple curves each with own workitem. As strange thing, all items still recook when moving any of the curves. Should each curve point be own workitem or how to prevent that. Would be cool to have HoudiniUE4 tutorial for PDG curves updating only data related to the edited curve. Like in that video showing the feature in unity.
Edited by SaOk - 2021年2月1日 14:42:21
Technical Discussion » KineFX BlendShape Export
- SaOk
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Working for me now in 18.5.449, while not yet in production build. Just separated the _3d_hidden_primitives and merged back before export. Could now import CC3 to Houdini, combine material slots with vertex colors and export to UE4. Blendshapes appearing to make faces. Thanks for the fix.
Edited by SaOk - 2021年1月6日 20:04:14
Technical Discussion » KineFX BlendShape Export
- SaOk
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Having the same problem. Importing CC3 Characters into Houdini to add vertex colors to replace materials slots, but fbxcharacteroutput dosent seem to save the blendshape attributes and when importing the exported fbx to ue4 no blendshapes appear.
EDIT: Repro -> Export character with blendshapes with fbxcharacteroutput. Then load that fbx with fbxcharacterimport, and there is no blendshape attributes.
EDIT: Repro -> Export character with blendshapes with fbxcharacteroutput. Then load that fbx with fbxcharacterimport, and there is no blendshape attributes.
Edited by SaOk - 2020年11月26日 15:42:18
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2 Beta
- SaOk
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With 18.5 and v2, landscape pieces have 90degree offset (didnt have this issue in 18.0/v2 beta) and over certain heights are clamped to zero. Overall size affect the clamp issue. Sometimes working with 4033, always clamped with 8129. Plugin settings seem to affect that clamping bit too, but not finding stable results.
EDIT: Also gives warning HGPO 3 0 1, and HGPO 3 0 0.
EDIT2: PDG workitems also show doubled on UE4 side. Should have total 9 workitems in 2 hda processors and 1 wedge, but UE4 shows 18 (doubled for each node). Dont remember workitems showing doubled in beta.
EDI3: When baking 4 level pieces getting crash. Levels appear in folder, but 2 of them make editor crash if loaded.
EDIT4: Here is the heighfield I am trying to get from houdini to ue4. []
EDIT: Also gives warning HGPO 3 0 1, and HGPO 3 0 0.
EDIT2: PDG workitems also show doubled on UE4 side. Should have total 9 workitems in 2 hda processors and 1 wedge, but UE4 shows 18 (doubled for each node). Dont remember workitems showing doubled in beta.
EDI3: When baking 4 level pieces getting crash. Levels appear in folder, but 2 of them make editor crash if loaded.
EDIT4: Here is the heighfield I am trying to get from houdini to ue4. []
Edited by SaOk - 2020年10月27日 11:17:15
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2 Beta
- SaOk
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How to avoid these kind of doubled edges with landscape tiles (landscape streaming proxies in this case)? Using tile split & PDG (i@unreal_landscape_tile_actor_type = 1; in wrangle), but tileoverlap/voxel padding settings dosent seem to have any effect on result. Baking hide the holes, but keep the messed hf data.
Edited by SaOk - 2020年10月3日 12:49:55
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2 Beta
- SaOk
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How the heightfield split is made in the 18.5 preview video without seam issues? Getting PGD split landscapes into UE4.25, but cant get rid of buggy seams with tilesplit settings. Do I need to convert the hf to images, to polygons, play with transforms or something? Or is that future feature for Houdini 18.5/UE4.26?
EDIT: I found out the wiki now. Getting better results already, playing around with new attributes and values []'s-new-%3F
EDIT: I found out the wiki now. Getting better results already, playing around with new attributes and values []'s-new-%3F
Edited by SaOk - 2020年10月3日 09:25:31
Houdini for Realtime » Game Tools | Maps Baker
- SaOk
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At request of a user, here is how to use the Maps Baker with PDG
Hi, extreme handy example. Got maps to bake, but cant figure out how to load workitem related bgeo-file in that maps Baker rop. Would replace that pighead with file-node. Before just used workitem attributes starting with @* to get wanted file, but that pyton launching hip file dosent seem to pass attributes into that rop? Tried also with $, but no luck. What could be the correct way?
*For ROP creating FBX I am just using $HIP/geo/`@FBX_NAME`_w`@W`_hd`@H`_v`@V` as geometry file in file-node (that is connected to ROP FBX), but it dosent work with the map baking method via pyton code.
Edited by SaOk - 2019年10月23日 16:57:02
Houdini Engine API » Houdini Engine 16 plugin for Unreal Engine 4.15?
- SaOk
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I installed the latest day build 16.0.576 and got plugin from github above. Can now use hda in UE4, but when pressing play in editor. Got this crash:
LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-HoudiniEngineRuntime.dll!UHoudiniAssetParameter:erialize()
LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-HoudiniEngineRuntime.dll!UHoudiniAssetParameterToggle:erialize()
LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-HoudiniEngineRuntime.dll!UHoudiniAssetParameter:erialize()
LogWindows:Error: UE4Editor-HoudiniEngineRuntime.dll!UHoudiniAssetParameterToggle:erialize()
Houdini Engine API » Houdini Engine 16 plugin for Unreal Engine 4.15?
- SaOk
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Hi, is there yet plugin for UE4.15 when using Houdini 16? Daily build page is still showing the official version as the newest. I didnt manage to get that github-version working. Made C++ Project in UE4 and it tryed to build the needed files from those github files, but failed. I wouldnt want build whole UE4.
I have UE4.15 installed on different drive than earlier UE4 builds if it affects.
I have UE4.15 installed on different drive than earlier UE4 builds if it affects.
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