autorig tutorial questions

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I am now going through the quadruped auto rig tutorial. In video4c, 08:27, it says to save and lock the asset (the deform-rig) but it did not show which exactly the button should be pressed. Does anyone know which button was it? save operator type?

Also, in the auto rig video, we were introduced to paint the skin weight. But if I change another 4 legs animal model (e.g. from a cat to a tiger with similar size and body position with a bit different polygon count), do i have to paint the whole skin weight again?

The human auto rig's deform_rig does not contain muscles feature like the Quadruped deform_rig does. Does anyone know how I could add the muscle feature on the human auto_rig? Any tutorial on it?

thanks for your attention!
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Saving and locking refers to doing a Save Operator Type followed by a Match Current Definition.

As for using another mesh, you will generally have to repaint it. You might be able to have some success using Attribute Transfer from the painted mesh to the new one but regardless you will have to paint more though.

In 9.1 we added the option to create bone based deform rigs. It is now an option on the Auto Rigs and defaults to Bones. To get muscles you just have to switch it over to Muscles before generating your rigs.
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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Now I am going through the last quadruped video (5). everytime when I tried to press the button “create/modeify/matchRig” after I had some modifications of the controls position, I will have the following error message. I am doing this test with the Biped Autorig. Does anyone know why this happens?

Error running callback:
global name ‘animparms’ is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
File “Object/biped_auto_rig PythonModule section”, line 24, in setRig
File “CPROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.124/houdini/scripts/python\autorig\”, line 1677, in modifyRig
doModify(part, animnode)
File “CPROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.124/houdini/scripts/python\autorig\”, line 1726, in doModify
for parm in animparms:
NameError: global name ‘animparms’ is not defined
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