Display Flag

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i can`t understand something - when i`m set flag on Geometry node to “0” - geometry not display, but and no render also.

I`m correct ? I see:
“Phantom” toggle.
And “Renderable” toggle. When i disable “renderable” toggle - geometry is not rendered. All ok.

Why setting “Display” flag to zero - disable my geometry on rendering ? “Display” flag must disable geometry in view only, i`m right ? Or i don`t know some simple rules ?
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I'm not entirely clear on your example - but the Display flag(Alt-click on the display/render to set display only) determines what you see in the Scene view, while the Render flag(Ctl-click on the display/render flag to set render only) determine what gets sent to the renderer when you hit ‘render’. By default these two are bundled together since for most straightforward networks you want to render what you see. However, you can split them up(and in fact it's recommended) when you start getting complicated scenes where you want a proxy displayed.

Phantom is a render flag, meaning don't show the geometry, but calculate it so it would show up in reflections, etc. ‘Renderable’ is just an override so you can quickly toggle the geometry off altogether - it simply won't render if that's off. I've never been a fan of that flag - too easily confuses a scene file.

Hopefully this helps a bit.


John Coldrick
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nice !!
thanks JColdrick, i must read help more frequently.
i found this option in “Prefences”. “Change SOP render and Display flag separately”.

i just have big amount of volume data in viewport and i want render it, but don`t display. I`t a great hint.

I say in start about a change node flags on “OBJ” level. New “Geometry” node have
1. “Display” flag (this in a “render” tab after “material” Tab ) It disabled by default. When i enable it, and change “Display” to zero - The geometry hidden in viewport, and .. And in a render too. And i was confused - i have
“Phantom” flag - (render only shadows, or reflections)
“Shadow Matte” flag - (for fast cut by geometry mask)
“Renderable” flag - We see geometry but not render.
“Display” - we not to see, and we not render
By the human-interface logic, changing the “display” flag state, must not affect the “render” state of objects.

Anyway now i can change the display flag - trough “Null node inside SOP”.

Big thanks for answer JColdrick !
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