Memory issues with RBD simulation and exporting .fbx

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Hi I'm running the latest version of Houdini on win32, I have quad xeon 2.2 and 4G or ram, however when trying to export RBD simulation to .fbx the program will crash with a out of memory message, I'm writting sim to disk via the file node and storing simdata as well… is there anybody out there that stumbled onto the same issue and found a way to fix it? the sim I'm trying to export are not that heavy, like 60 low rez RBD on a thousand frame or so.
Also the cache manager only shows a 20-30% usage of the cache so I'm at loss to find the problem/solution

thanks in advance for any help
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The first thing to try would be to enable the “Conserve Memory at the Expense of Export Time” option when exporting to FBX. This reduces memory usage in certain specific cases.

If this doesn't help, could attach your scene here so I can try to export it myself and see if anything is taking a disproportionate amount of memory?

In general, though, the Windows memory limit per process for a 32-bit machine is only 2Gb, which in this case means that both Houdini (whatever it is holding in memory) and the FBX exporter must fit into that memory footprint together. This is really not a lot of memory these days, and it is possible that the minimum requirements for you sim are just larger than 2Gb.
Oleg Samus
Software Developer
Side Effects Software Inc.
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Thanks, I will test on XP 64 bit I think I'm having issues with my station
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