GLSL shaders example

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Hi all.

I want to find example of GLSL houdini shader. looks what i mean:

All Houdini 11 shaders, for example “Mantra Surface” (From Houdini Material Palette) have a OGL tab with many parameters - (“Surface”, “Displace”, “Environment”) - where i can look to code of this ? (for writing my own SHOP - GLSL )

I want to make my own shaders for Houdini OpenGL using as a base code that is.

I want an example of the code to understand how it works Houdini GLSL shaders. And really want to write my own GLSL shaders for Houdini.

Thanks for all help..
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Joined: 7月 2005
There is a section in the Help on this topic, under Shading. You can find it quickly by searching for “OpenGL Shaders”.

The $HH/ogl2/ directory also contains the ogl2_default_material.vert and ogl2_default_material.frag shaders which would be a good starting point. Creating a default Shader using the method described in the help will also give you default vertex and fragment shaders.
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