How to set reference limit to custom parameter?

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I am building some procedural models and I am looking for how to set mix or max limits to a parameter using references.

For example, let's say there is box inside of another box and you want to be able to scale it until reaches the borders of the outer box.

If the size of the outer box was constant then it would be easy to set a limit to that parameter by locking the range. But I want to be able to scale the outer box and the limit for the inner box to be updated.

It would be easy to do it using an expression -ch(“../outerbox/size”)- but range field do not accept expression only numeric values.

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ok, i gonna reply to myself! I found a long way to do it by using python if statement or hscript clamp().

The problem is that the custom parameter will display what ever value even if Houdini is not going to actual using it when is over the range.

Any more efficient way?
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