arrays in houdini

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Hi! I want to create a dynamic array to store the nearest points o a point by a given distance(radius), I hava achive to
store the number of points nearest this radius, but I need to stro the spesific point number so I'll be able to import any atribute of this point in the vopsop, I'm not using the neibur or neibur count because is a point cloud, there in no conection at all of any point, so I wonder is there a way to provide an array for storing the nearespoint numbers in every point, my gess is to use python to create that array

the effect I'm trying to do is a propagation of heat(color) in a point cloud, then I use this propagation for emeiting fluid
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You can achieve this propagation with openpc and pciterate nodes in a VOP-SOP into a dynamic DOP / SOP solver.
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