Particle Shape Morphing

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Hi everyone,

I'm new to Houdini and am attempting a morphing of shapes using particles.

The end result I am aiming for is to have a sphere morph into a square, then from a square to a triangle and then back to the original sphere shape.

I have tried various ways to get this working however I don't seem able to get the particles to transform more than once!

Each shape is a polygon, with the same number of points.

I found some resources online which were useful, but can't seem to get more than one transition as mentioned.

Any advice would be welcomed, I'm sure this is quite a simple process, so it's probably my lack of understanding of the software.

Thanks in advance!
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Does the BlendShapes SOP do what you'd like? I tried putting down a sphere, a square, and a triangle separately in a single geometry object network, then applied a scatter SOP to each, then combined the three using a BlendShapes SOP with Blends set to 3 (for 3 shapes). Setting expressions for the blend values seems to let me blend between them over a sequence of frames. There's probably a much easier way to set up the expressions than what I did; I'm fairly new to Houdini, myself.

ExampleBlendShapes.png (43.0 KB)

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Thank you very much for the response, I've been away so haven't had a chance to check the forum, I will give it ago!
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Now that I look at it again, it'd probably be easier with the Sequence Blend SOP instead of the BlendShapes SOP if it's just that one sequence you want. You'll need to have the sphere's points in there twice (at the beginning and the end) and it's less flexible, but it'd save almost all of the mess with the expressions, which I probably got slightly wrong anyway, because I'm used to zero-based indexing instead of one-based indexing.
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