Modify Data Dop

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Hello chaps.

I seem to be having a blonde moment today. ops:

I want to control gravity by the use of the “Impacts” attribute generated inside Dop's.
I have done this many times in the past, but I seem to be having a block today.

I used a Modify Data DOP with either dophassubdata() or dopnumrecords() to access the Impacts folder. This dop has a value type set to boolean, and a value of 1.

I then want to use the dopfield() inside a group dop to use in the gravity node as a mask, but the issue I'm having is, I cannot find this modified data inside the details view.
Without having it in details view makes it kinda hard to find the information to drive the dopfield().

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It lands in the “Data Name” path. Default that is in Position.

If you are using a custom “Data Name” you will first have to create it with a emptydata DOP.

Oh, man that sounds weird. I can upload a file later on when my head is a bit more usable.
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