RBD-Distance between Objects

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Hy Guys,
I have a, perhabs very noob, question.
I'm currently writing my Thesis where I have written a particle solver.
Now I want to compare my solver to the RBD solver in Houdini.
I want to set up the same scene with my solver and the RBD solver and have a look at the differences…
So long story short, i have trouble setting up the RBD Scene correctly.
I tried just one (very small) RBD Object (Sphere) falling on a Static Object.(Grid)
But it doesn't hit the Grid. It stops a bit above the grid and after bouning back and getting into a stable state it falls through it…
I attached the scene. Has anyone a Idea why this is happening? And how i can fix this? (Wouldn't be a problem for me if it isn't fixable but a reason for that, because this would also be good result for me, but I think i am missing something…)
Thanks everybody

rbd_test.hipnc (235.9 KB)

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I believe it has something to do with the collision representation of your RBD objects as it is in your file.
Go in the bullet data tab on you RBDs and switch the Geometry Representation to sphere on the sphere object and plane on the grid object and it should work as expected.

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Hey rafaels,
thank you so much that worked.
Just for the record if anyone else will have the same problem again.
I'd also turn down the collision padding of both objects so that the sphere stopped (almost) on the plane. but i had also to add more substeps then so the ball didn't fell through…
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