render parameters

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Is there a way to setup object render parameters so that an object is invisible but still casts GI? Or eg. invisible but receives shadows, or invisible but casts shadows?

I know that in maya you can setup these stuff in render section - receives reflections, visible in reflections, casts GI, receives GI etc.
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I think In the Houdini you should open Edit Parameter Interface window from your special Object and add your option like “visible in xxx” in the “For Rendering” Tab
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tried looking for the parameters to add from mantra, couldnt find em
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Of course for hide object in the Render time ,But render it in the Reflection ,You can turn on Phantom option in the Rendering section from your specify object :? []
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Yeah but but i'm spceficially interested in invisible but cast GI and invisible but receive shadows
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What is invisible but receives shadows look like?
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I think andrej22 is talking about a shadow matte material.
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Shadow eg - lets say I've got a box and a sphere which casts a shadow on a box and I want only the sphere and the shadow(which respects the shape of a box) visible in my render. Shadow matte shader is probably the solution though, I'm gonna try it out.

cast GI eg - lets say I got a background plate, an image of a mountain and lets say I wanna model a house which I would “put” on a mountain and I want the color of the mountain to bleed on the house, cast GI on the house. BUT, the mountain is just a background plate which I don't want in my renders, I'd add it later in comp. So I'd like to project the mountain image on a mountain geometry which I'd make just for the purpose of casting GI on my house. Basically I wanna have an invisible object that bleeds color onto my visible geometry. I hope that explains it a bit better now. Now, I know the workaround for this, I could just render it all with the mountain background plate projected onto geometry and use house objects alpha to cut it out in post, but I kinda wanna avoid that if possible and just render out the house which receives GI from invisible(during render time) geometry.
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Hi andrej,

For the second one, I'm doing exactly same thing in production shots right now where I need plate features to light and reflect in my CG geometry. So yes, I'm modelling the feature, then projecting UVs from camera, and then I just assign it a basic Surface Model shader with everything off but emission, where I put my plate exrs. And then I just check Phantom property on the object (if it's not there, you can add with Edit Parameters).

Works like a charm!
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I just tested it out. Actually “phantom” according to the manual makes an object invisible but casts shadows… but it also casts GI after I ran few tests. I didn't even have to use emission. Just made a mantra surface with diffuse RED, made a grid and a sphere sitting on top of it. Applied the red mantra surface to the sphere and turned on “phantom” on it and it was obviously casting shadows AND GI, I noticed the red color bleeding on th grid from the sphere.
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