MIDI OUT from baked channels (into .mid file)?

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Hi. Is it possible to bake channels from SOP level into CHOPS and then export that data into a midi file? I think I've tried exporting a .mid before without success. Is there a particularity about doing this correctly?

Thanks in advance.
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yes, that's possible: You can use the “Fetch” node to create a CHOP from the SOP channel, rename it and export it with the “MIDI Out” node.

The names of the channels are crucial: They must match this pattern:

ch<n>c<c> for MIDI controls,
ch<n>n<n> for notes.

<n> is the MIDI channel, <c> is the MIDI control number, and <n> is the note number (1-127). The channel values should go from 0 to 1.

So to export a SOP channel as MIDI control 7 (volume) in MIDI channel 1, you must rename the CHOP channel to


You should also set the sampling rate of the Fetch node a bit higher than 24 FPS. Most MIDI sequencers use at least 96 ticks per sec.

I've attached a simple example.


export_midi.zip (7.5 KB)

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Thanks for your reply. I will look into your file shortly. But the explanation you gave seems to make much sense. I will try it on my own as well as looking at your file.

There is a larger problem and that is what to do with the MIDI data once I have it since I have tried something with CHOPS in a different way for the same project and can't seem to interpret the curve properly, meaning I don't know what to do with the CHOPS curve that I have (animation curve, that is).
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