OTish: Houdini Character skin weights to unreal

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Hey guys
First of all, I'm new to Houdini, and Unreal, so NOOOB_ALERT!!
Secondly, This is not a houdini engine question, but it seems like allot of the unreal related questions get moved here anyway, and I figured you guys would be more likely to answer this, than the pure vfx guys
So sorry for spamming this channel with my slightly OT question.

I'm working on a character in houdini, and I would like to use it in unreal.
Unfortunately I get this really weird problem when I import my character into unreal, or even in maya for that matter.
In unreal I get a error complaining about skin weights not being done at vertex level, and It clearly is broken.
See frames.
In houdini the deformation of my character works just fine, but in unreal, and maya it tears apart.
Do you guys know what I've done wrong here?
Thanks allot
Edited by Gerbrand - 2016年7月1日 03:40:50

houdini.PNG (393.9 KB)
unreal.PNG (259.4 KB)

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Seems like most of the capture points do work, only some are left behind. Maybe expand the capture volumes? If that still doesn't work, please send an email to support@sidefx.com with your issue and someone will help you further.
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