Linux + HDK + IDE for Code Completion

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I'm on Fedora 20, Houdini 14.

Basically, right now I have a script that will use hcustom to build my .C files into SOP nodes, but coding “blind” in a regular text editor is getting tedious, as syntax errors only show up when I want to build. Plus, going back and forth to the docs for method names is tiring as well.

Is there anyway to have an IDE on Linux that will help me?

I've tried using Eclipse, and including /opt/hfs.current/toolkit in the includes menu, but all the “#include <GU/GU_Detail.h>” lines come up as “Unresolved Inclusion” and all the other Houdini Objects come up as errors as well, which tells me it's not finding them.

I don't care about debugging or building within the IDE, I just want the .H files to be included so I can code.

Does anyone have any experience with this? My google-ing has come up empty.
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Joined: 12月 2013
Ok, I actually figured it out.

I don't know what I did to make Eclipse finally recognize the includes, but it might be changing the include directory from

Not sure why the link would mess things up, but that's the only thing I can remember that I changed.

Hope this helps someone in the future.
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