Packed Primitive RDB simulation problem

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I am approaching destruction in Houdini first time…I have few queries regarding that..

What i did, I fractured my geometer with voronoi fracture points and then I make glue constraint out of it and transfer that in simulation…I am posting a video and hip file also…Problems i am facing are:-

1. Few bottom fractured pieces gets started falling at early without any force..and those pieces go inside in ground collision object.

2. I wanted to destruct only impact point geometry and rest side wall should remain intact…They should not fall…

3. In the end fractured pieces didn't looks stable..they kind of a giving vibration behavior…

wall_brake_01_02.hipnc (338.8 KB)
wall_breake_test01_mov_Output_1_(new_1).mp4 (998.2 KB)

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So I took a look at your file

To answer your questions:

(1) The strength you set in DOPs was very less, that is why everything falls apart too soon

(2) If you take a look at the nodes in red, you will see that where the sphere is hitting the wall, I set the strength to 0.0 and the rest of the constraints to -1.0

(3) The ground you made for collision, was intersecting the wall that is why it was vibrating, so I just put down a ground plane and it does not vibrate anymore

Hope that helps!
Edited by MrReedSmith - 2016年10月11日 23:55:00

wall_brake_01_02_fix.hipnc (928.6 KB)

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