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Joined: 9月 2017
How do I get the other bake texture options in the ropnet node to work? There's a ton of other render types in here that aren't exposed (only height,normal, cavity, and occlusion are xposed) . I hopped into the cop2net1 and added my own file/flip/window/ropcomps, but I don't think I know Houdini well enough yet to get to the next step…

I also got things set up in the sop_terrain_texture_rop type properties and added ‘Color’ folder with output and export properties. I just think that I have a mismatch, or I'm missing a step somewhere?

Sort of related, since I have been modifying the type properties of the sop terrain texture rop node, how do I save a new version of that so I don't mess up the default. I'm experimenting a lot and breaking things over and over, lol.
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