Object flow in Spline drived flip fluid

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This is my first question here. I've searching in the forum without success.

I have some water wich follow a spline. I do this with Flip fluid and a popCurveForce.

Now, this water is supposed to have some very visible Molecules inside . 2 or 3 types of molecules.

I have try by scaterring point inside the fluid surface and then using CopyStamp. But the molecules ( pink Pigs here in the second screen capture ) are not flowing nicely with water .

They just appear randomly inside water, to bad ..

Idea #1 , i need to select some Flip fluid particle when they born to link and constrain a new pig on it.

Idea #2 , i need to create another particle system with pigs, wich use the flip fluid sim of the water as velocity maybe ?

Can you help me ?

Capture2.PNG (256.6 KB)
Capture.PNG (907.6 KB)

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