Polygon Pen tool or simular in Houdini

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Joined: 10月 2018
How do i connect points edges and create custom polygons inside Houdini? Is there a tool equivalent to polygon pen tool like in cinema 4d. Im starting to learn Houdini and some tools like im use to for example polygon pen tool or sliding points or extruding edges aren't there. Can someone break it down for me. Is it all commands, how do i model with ease. Thanks
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Joined: 8月 2017
This will be possible today, with the release of version 17 Hudini!
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You might be looking for the TopoBuild SOP. It provides a bunch of various functionality like that.
Writing code for fun and profit since... 2005? Wow, I'm getting old.
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How do i connect points edges and create custom polygons inside Houdini? Is there a tool equivalent to polygon pen tool like in cinema 4d. Im starting to learn Houdini and some tools like im use to for example polygon pen tool or sliding points or extruding edges aren't there. Can someone break it down for me. Is it all commands, how do i model with ease. Thanks

the polydraw tool in H17 looks very similar to polygon pen tool in C4D
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