Somewhat tricky stamp dilemma

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I have a mesh. Its normals are manipulated. The mesh with its manipulated normals is connected to a Copy SOP and so does a certain primitive. This is fine.
Now I'd like to read normal data from the mesh BEFORE its normals were manipulated and use that as a rotation value for the stamped primitive.
The idea is to get stamped obects to bank along the mesh. Like bird's feathers.

I'm familiar with stamping and already doing some operations with it for copied objects. The question is, what type of expression should I use to set stamped primitives up vector to match a normal from the original mesh ?

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Joined: 7月 2005
Why don't you replace your normals with your old ones before you copy to your modified mesh? Simply add a point SOP and wire the deformed mesh into the first input and the old one into the second one. Then set normals to $NX2 $NY2 $NZ2.
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