How to read STRING attribute value and use it in a parameter? - SOLVED

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Please excuse such a basic question.

I want to read the value of an attribute and stick it into a parameter of a node.
How is this done in Houdini, please?

In my example, I am caching out a load of crowd agents.
The agentdefinitioncache node needs an agent name (string)
There is an attribute which contains a string called @agentname
HOW can I read that name and use it in the agentdefinitioncache ?

Seems such a basic thing but using backticks `@agentname` isn't doing it
I also tried point(0, “agentname”,0)
and detail(0, “agentname”, 0)
and details(0, “agentname”, 0)

I'm clearly missing a basic way of using Houdini properly.

Please help me out and put me straight.

Many thanks!
Edited by dansidi - 2020年6月2日 11:26:58

Annotation 2020-06-02 153830.png (68.6 KB)
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I saw the “points()” function and that has worked.

Here it the full expression, so that I can use it next time, when I get confused by this rediculous software!

`points(0, 0, "agentname")`
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