Spawning crowd agents, how?

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I'm trying to create a setup with crowd agents where an agents spawn. I just want to spawn one agent into the simulation let it fall with ragdoll and then spawn another one. All tools that exist are made for spawning all of the agents at the same time and then simulating them, like with a Crowd Source. I know it can be done, but I can't figure it out for the 20th hour. I'm about to give up, so any help is appreciated. In short I'm trying to create a pile of ragdoll bodies. A body pile really. And it seems like the hardest thing in the world. Thank you.
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Joined: 8月 2017

I recently needed to do the same – the way I figured out was setting 'Impulse Activation' in the 'Birth' tab in the crowdsource/popsource node in the DOP network. In my case I just left it going with an animated seed giving me unique agents per frame, and then a popwrangle setting `i@dead = 1` on the ones I didn't want (e.g. on frames I didn't want to spawn, or where I couldn't find a destination.)

Treating a crowd as a glorified popnet has really helped me understand it.

Hope that helps!
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