Anaconda Environments in PDG / run external .py file in env

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Hi all,

I've loaded my anaconda environment successfully, as I've output the values to work_item attributes and cross checked them with the ones appearing in anaconda.

Now my issue is how do I run an external script in this PDG environment? I've tried copy pasting the .py file into python script and setting my environments custom python Bin and working directory, but it seems to get held on a number of imports, even though I've checked their installations with pip list in anaconda.

I've also tried to run a command in a python processor window, which cooks fine, but nothing happens.
Basically all I want to do is run an external .py file in this environment.

Anybody have any tips?

Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2022-09-25 233718.png (192.7 KB)
Screenshot 2022-09-25 234346.png (524.1 KB)

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Did you get it to work?
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